Thought Leadership.


"We need not wait to see what others do." - Gandhi

The case for tech apprenticeship

The case for tech apprenticeship

"But as a newly minted AWS Solutions Architect Associate, from the few solutions I have delivered, it is becoming startlingly obvious that the difference between knowledge and wisdom is… experience."

inclusion | hack - Engineered to Diversify tech

inclusion | hack - Engineered to Diversify tech

The tech industry faces an acute talent shortage. Further, the tech industry repeatedly exposes its need to be more diverse and inclusive. inclusion | hack is designed to solve both pain points.

We champion Linux | Cloud Computing (AWS) | Devops ("LCD") as our Educational focus.  Day Zero Hackathon is a way for LCD students, practitioners and employers to convene and work on fun LCD challenges together. it doubles as a showcase for The ITEM's proposition that the LCD path is a valuable and desirable on ramp/career path. 



MENSO WO KENTEN, Adinkra Symbol for Self Sufficiency, means "I am not carrying your basket". A symbol for industry, self-reliance, and economic self a determination. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.