Presentations in Conference Room 16C
6:00-6:10 PM
Ashley Turner is an instructional technologist interested in using different forms of technology for teaching and learning. Ashley is the founder of Phlly Tech Sistas, an organization that gives women the opportunity to become creators in this emerging tech ecosystem.
6:10-6:20 PM
Joel Wilson is a Techpreneur, STEM advocate and serial entrepreneur. He is also the founder of TechCore2, a Technology Pipeline Program lead by a group of college students. Where high school students have the opportunities to learn from College mentors who are trained in WordPress Website Development, Scratch Coding, and Robotics.
6:20-6:30 PM
Justin LaRose is an experienced Senior Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the media production industry. Skilled in DevOps. Strong engineering professional graduated from Drexel University. He is a founder of Bengineers, The BENgineer organization enhances, influences and strengthens the relationships of Black technology professionals with each other and the wider Comcast community, with the goal of fostering a culture of inclusion within the workforce. Through talent pipeline development, career management, mentoring and networking opportunities, while investing in the STEM and technology communities in which we live and work
6:30-6:40 PM
Samantha Lyons, is The Director of WesGoldFellows and General Counsel for WPFI. Samantha stays on the brink of connecting Technology advocates with the proper funding sources, and Technology students with the resources best suited to their educational needs.
6:40-6:50 PM
Greg Sampson is a Senior-level Engineering Director with an entrepreneurial-drive for creativity and innovation; More than 15-years’ experience leading and managing distributed work teams 30 or more people in industrial, consumer, and medical product development; Demonstrated success in delivering leading-edge product solutions that exceed customer expectations and provide clear market leadership. Greg is the Founder of the sports bar platform, FanCheerInteractive.
6:50-7:00 PM
Izzy Jackson is a Founder at Dwell City LLC/ Dwell City Solutions, a social impact web-based platform that helps landlords mitigate risk for their tenants by using predictive analytics to find tenants jobs before they know they need one. We also survey tenants regularly and report de-identified aggregate data back to landlords to help them improve the services they offer.
Downstairs to the 15th Floor 7:00-9:00pm
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